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The Pyramids Variations
Broken Chord Variations 3
Homage to Pink Floyd

This variation has ladder-like descending zigzag movements reminiscent of British rock band Pink Floyd. Listen to the performance.  


Four-note chords

A right hand covering as much of the keyboard as it does here is likely to use the fingering for full-octave four-note chords.

Here are the four-note chords used in the first two bars with suggested fingering.


Find the chords using the keyboard diagrams. Read the chords downwards.

Am 2nd inversion

Am root position

F root position

F 2nd inversion


RH4 is a fingering option in the second inversion chords. Choose whatever best suits your hand.

Notice that the A minor chords skips an inversion, while the F chords don't.

The inversion are numbered going up, so going down, the second inversion chord is next to the root position chord.


The first pair of chords (Am, F) is the model for the next two pairs of chords – G, Em and F, Dm.

Find all three pairs of chords using the keyboard diagram as your model.


Breaking the chords up

Now break the first pair of chords (Am, F) up in a zigzag from the top, using the fingering for four-note chords.


Apply this pattern to the next two pairs of chords, and rehearse well.


(The audio file includes the Am, F pair. Remember you can slow down or speed up your MidiPiano MIDI file playback.)

For the E major chords (bars 7 and 8), you need two five-note groups.


The pattern is not so obvious. You zigzag from the top to the bottom, then play all the notes back up to the top. Find a fingering that works for you and stick to it.

Add this onto your existing chords and practice. You won’t be able to play the syncopated version if you can’t play the straight version.


The audio/MIDI file above plays the full A1A2 piece with the ending, which uses the chord tones in the keyboard illustration below. It also has a simple, roots-only, un-syncopated bass line.

F major

E major

A minor

A minor (last two ascending triads)

Getting the rhythm

Learn to tap the rhythm out on your desktop before attempting to play in rhythm.

When you have that rhythm dependable, put in the left hand last beat ‘kick’.

Finally, drop the left hand crotchets two and three, and you have the actual rhythm used in the variation.



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