Musicarta Beat & Rhythm Workbook
A Swinging Hanon
Page One - Nos.1 to 5
Put a spring in your step with these regular, progressive rhythmic exercises.
Here's a talking-head introduction to the 'Swinging Hanon' series of lessons.
Download the original Hanon Exercises Nos1-20 here.
(The rest of 'Pattern No.1' repeats this introductory video. Skip forward as appropriate.)
Here's the up-and-down five-finger 'blank' we're going to stamp our rhythms on to.
No great mystery there.
Let's start putting some rhythmic variety in with a little long-short 'kick' in the right hand (Pattern No1.)
Here's a short-long 'kick' in the right hand on the first and third crotchet (quarter-note) beats.
(Note though that we 'count' the rhythms in quavers [eighth notes]).
Now, here's a demonstration of Hanon Exercise No.1, played 'straight'.
And here's our rhythmic pattern applied (up to speed) to Hanon Exercise No.1. To start with, you get a virtual keyboard video of the rhythmic Hanon exercise.
Try to play the rhythmic Hanon from just the audio file and the illustrations.
Same as No.1, but with an anticipated note at the end of each half-bar.
Here's Hanon No.2, played straight.
Here's Rhythmic Pattern No.2 applied (up to speed) to Hanon Exercise No.2.
Try to play the rhythmic Hanon from just the audio and the illustrations.
Repeat the top right hand note before descending.
Here's Hanon Exercise No.3 played straight.
Here's Rhythmic Pattern No.3 applied to Hanon Exercise No.3.
Try to play the rhythmic Hanon from just the audio and the illustrations.
Delayed right hand entry.
Here's Hanon Exercise No.4.
Here's Rhythmic Pattern No.4 applied (up to speed) to Hanon Exercise No.4.
Try to play the rhythmic Hanon from just the audio and the illustrations.
Hybrid of No.4 + No.3.
Here's Hanon Exercise No.5.
Here's Rhythmic Pattern No.5 applied to Hanon Exercise No.5.
Try to play the rhythmic Hanon from just the audio and the illustrations.
Now go on to Page Two of this series.
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The Beat & Rhythm Workbook
The MusicartaA methodical approach to keyboard syncopation for