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Musicarta Beat and Rhythm Workbook
A Swinging Hanon
Page Five - Nos.23 to 33
This is the final page in the Swinging Hanon module, and offers ten more 'organic' rhythmic patterns for you top practice in the static five-finger position and 'apply' to a Hanon of your choice - and (hopefully) incorporate in your playing more generally.
Make use the together-left-right (TLR) analysis to sort out "what comes with what", and in what order. Always feel free to abandon rhythm and tempo altogether and just rehearse the 'events' until it feels natural.
Then reintroduce some tempo and metrical discipline. You might come up with something quite different - bonus!
Mixing 'kicks' in the left and right hands.
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
The inverse of pattern No.23 - actually also pattern No.1 with a left hand 'kick'.
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
Mixed bars of Patterns 23 and 24.
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
A recap of pattern No.2 with a 'kick' in the left hand
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
A variation on pattern No.26.
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
New short-long 'kick' style.
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
Incorporating the new-style 'kick' over even quavers.
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
Pattern No.29 with an old-style left hand 'kick' as well.
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
The top note (G) anticipated and repeated. The even quavers in the right hand seem almost exotic!
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
More off-the-beat anticipation in the second half of the bar.
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
Mixing bars of Patterns 31 and 32.
Apply this rhythmic pattern to a Hanon exercise of your choice.
Here are two diagrams you might recognise.
The first shows the first five Swinging Hanon 'beat maps'. Download the pdf here.
The second shows the first page of Hanon shorthand contour diagrams. Download the pdf here.
Now, you can choose any Swinging Hanon rhythm and 'apply' it to any Hanon exercise, working exclusively from the shorthand diagrams. Do three or four in a session to build up your rhythmic 'muscle'.
There are three other courses in your Musicarta Beat and Rhythm Workbook.
Use all four courses on a daily basis as a methodical way to hone and develop your creative rhythmic and syncopation skills!
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The Beat & Rhythm Workbook
The MusicartaA methodical approach to keyboard syncopation for