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Rhythmic Scales
Page Three - Jazz Rhythms
A third page of rhythms to apply to your scale practice - this time, JAZZY rhythms in swing quaver feel.
All popular-music style pianists should be able to hear-and-reproduce these generic rhythms - and make them sound exciting and fresh!
Use them for random self-directed practice or on patterns from the Stressed SPPs (sale practice patterns) page.
Rhythmic |
All eight patterns demonstrated in C, at performance speed, with a quick look at the beat map, then scrolling MS.
Note that the performance is in 'swing quaver' or 'shuffle' feel. For simplicity's sake, the music isn't.
Download the MS for the scales here.
Now, here are the eight patterns with the audio and beat maps. These are the 'theoretical' rhythmic patterns you will apply to whatever scale you might be learning or practicing at the moment.
The audio file is set to repeat for you to test/play along to. You have to stop playback manually.
Download the beatmaps here.
(Second half not the same.) |
These are essential generic rhythms which you should be able to play.
Rhythmic |
Musicarta Patreon
Scale fingering
Scale Practice Patterns (SPPs)
Scale-tone practice patterns (STPPs)
Chromatic Scales
Diminished Scales
The MusicartaA methodical approach to keyboard syncopation for