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Now, tunes going four scale-tones up and down from the tonic. In C first.
Find the fourth pentatonic scale-tone up from the tonic C - the sixth, A - and likewise down - the second, D.
Options are limited with the long four-up-and-back, four-down-and-back element, so we only have two tunes.
Here's the first one.
Here's the second one.
Rehearse the four up/down scale-tones in D.
Play the two tunes in D. The skeleton sketches are below, in the right order.
Rehearse the four-up, four-down scale-tones in B flat. Name them as you go and sing along as well as you can.
Play the two tunes in B flat. The tables are below the video, in the right order.
Take advantage of your hard work to doodle some symmetrical or nearly symmetrical tunes in C, D and B flat. Feel free to break some rules!
Notice how much better you can 'hear the music in the keyboard' as a result of working so thoroughly with a limited set of options.
Now go on to work in the two-black-key A and E flat major pentatonic scales.
Musicarta is streaming on Twitch TV! Bookmark keyboardcomposing and check the schedule for your local times!
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