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This is the third page of the Set Two pentatonic scale-tone practice patterns - exercises Nos. 1 to 10, in major pentatonic scales that require black keys keys.
The number of black keys in the pentatonic scale is shown in brackets after the key, e.g., D major (1).
The number of black keys used in a major pentatonic scale is always one less than the number of accidentals in the major key signature, because the seventh of the 'sharp' major scales (G, D, A and so on), which is the first to attract a sharp, and the fourth in the flat keys (F and on), which is the first to attract a flat, are not used in the pentatonic scale.
Work on each exercise until it feels natural under your hand and you have learned a workable fingering. Starting trying to build up speed and an assured, confident tone.
Musicarta is streaming on Twitch TV! Bookmark keyboardcomposing and check the schedule for your local times!
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THE MUSICARTA PENTATONICS WORKBOOK video course Home/Index pages The Pentatonic Scales
Practice Patterns
Melody Work and
Playing by Ear
Pentatonic Riffs
and Diaries - Minor Pentatonic Major Pentatonic
Chromatic Minor
Chromatic Major
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Pentatonics videos
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The MusicartaA methodical approach to keyboard syncopation for
THE MUSICARTA PENTATONICS WORKBOOK video course Home/Index pages The Pentatonic Scales
Practice Patterns
Melody Work and
Playing by Ear
Pentatonic Riffs
and Diaries - Minor Pentatonic Major Pentatonic
Chromatic Minor
Chromatic Major
Pre-video Pages
Pentatonics videos
Archive Pages